About Us
LandRegistryServices.org.uk is an independent property search portal specialising in land and property ownership, boundary and environmental searches in the United Kingdom.
This platform is operated by a private company and not a government institution. Any search request lodged on the website will be processed through the relevant Land Registry or other professional bodies. Search results will be forwarded by email or, where appropriate, post.
We have considerable experience in carrying out accurate and effective searches offered through this platform. If you are not quite sure what you need to look for, require any additional information, or feel you would like some assistance with any of the services we have to offer, please get in touch with us straight away, we will be glad to assist you in any way we can.
We will always aim to complete your request within 24 hours of receiving it. If we receive a request over a weekend or bank holiday, we will aim to complete your request by the end of the first subsequent working day. We will send you copies of the requested documents by email. In cases where a deed or plan is not available for electronic delivery, we will forward hard copies by recorded first class post.
We offer an incomparable service where you can apply for a Land Registry search 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any copies of documents we forward to you will also be uploaded and saved to secure cloud storage where you will be able to access them from any internet-enabled device. We also recommend that you make your own personal back-up copies of any documentation we send to you.
England & Wales
We search all title deeds registered with the Land Registry, including the Title Register and plans, registered historic deeds, historical editions of the Register, leases and other relevant documents.
We search all Titles registered with the Land Register of Scotland which will provide details of all registered owners of land, buildings, charges, burdens, etc.
Northern Ireland
The system of property registration in Northern Ireland shares many similarities with that of England and Wales. Major differences are that ‘Titles’ are referred to as ‘Folios’ and ‘Title Maps’ are referred to as ‘Folio Maps’. Only leases greater than 21 years can be registered in their own right. Leases of a shorter term are deemed to be ‘good’ but are not registered in their own right. Many areas of freehold land Northern Ireland are not registered. We are well accustomed to the differences between Northern Ireland and England, so will perform the necessary Map, Lease and Folio searches accordingly.